48 research outputs found

    Virtual Desktop Sizing

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    This paper is intended to describe a process of choosing and building a demo of virtualization solution for a group of people in campus of EPFL located in a city of Sion, Valais Wallis. The aim of the paper is to compare different desktop virtualization solutions and choose the best one within the given customer’s requirements and infrastructure. The second goal of the paper is to provide a demo implementation of the selected virtualization solution with guidelines describing how it was created and notes on specific customizations required within the given internal computer structure of the campus

    Enterprise Web Application Usability Testing with Following Implementation of Findings

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    Today the competitive online market requires a web application to be user-friendly and intuitive. Following usability principles during the application development process is a key for application to succeed. That’s why usability principles should be learnt and followed by the whole development team. The goal of the thesis is to conduct the usability testing and improve an enterprise web application for Good Sign Oy in order to increase the quality of the product and enhance customer satisfaction with the product. The project includes full usability testing lifecycle and the process of findings implementation


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    Ce travail de Bachelor est le résultat de plusieurs mois d’analyses des domaines de l’éclairage, des composants informatiques matériels et logiciels, des bases de données, des langages de programmation, des méthodologies de travail et de divers protocoles de communication. Le tout pour donner naissance à un projet nommé PV2LIGHT et à son application LENOX. Ce projet consiste à donner la possibilité à des zones non éclairées d’avoir la chance de le devenir avec l’aide de l’énergie photovoltaïque et à une batterie de stockage. PV2LIGHT est la suite des projets PV2EV et PV2Storage. C’est avec l’application LENOX qu’il sera possible de piloter l’installation d’éclairage qui sera connectée à un réseau internet. De manière plus réelle, ce travail devrait permettre à des villages du Burkina Faso d’avoir une meilleure qualité de vie

    Outil de sensibilisation ludique, Serious game – AcquOie Game

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    Ce document traite des serious games, ou jeux sérieux en français. Nous commencerons par définir ce type de jeux qui mélange pour la plupart l’aspect ludique des jeux vidéo et un côté pédagogique. Nous nous intéresserons aux réels objectifs d’un serious game afin de savoir si le développement et la conception d’une telle application sont pertinents. Ensuite, nous nous attarderons sur l’analyse des différents besoins nécessaires à l’élaboration de ce type de jeux. Nous définirons les besoins de notre client, ressortis lors de notre entretien, que nous veillerons à satisfaire avec le développement de notre application. Nous établirons un état de l’art afin de faire ressortir les éléments intéressants qui ont déjà été conçus dans le milieu des jeux sérieux : le développement durable et l’eau en particulier. Nous nous pencherons enfin sur les différentes plateformes et technologies sur lesquelles nous pouvons concevoir ce type de jeu


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    We are able to perform the duality transformation of the spin system which was found before as a lattice realization of the string with linear action. In four and higher dimensions this spin system can be described in terms of a two-plaquette gauge Hamiltonian. The duality transformation is constructed in geometrical and algebraic language. The dual Hamiltonian represents a new type of spin system with local gauge invariance. At each vertex ξ\xi there are d(d1)/2d(d-1)/2 Ising spins Λμ,ν=Λν,μ\Lambda_{\mu,\nu}= \Lambda_{\nu,\mu}, μν=1,..,d\mu \neq \nu = 1,..,d and one Ising spin Γ\Gamma on every link (ξ,ξ+eμ)(\xi,\xi +e_{\mu}). For the frozen spin Γ1\Gamma \equiv 1 the dual Hamiltonian factorizes into d(d1)/2d(d-1)/2 two-dimensional Ising ferromagnets and into antiferromagnets in the case Γ1\Gamma \equiv -1. For fluctuating Γ\Gamma it is a sort of spin glass system with local gauge invariance. The generalization to pp-branes is given.Comment: 16 pages,Late

    'Spillout' effect in gold nanoclusters embedded in c-Al2O3(0001) matrix

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    Gold nanoclusters are grown by 1.8 MeV Au^\sup{2+} implantation on c-Al\sub{2}O\sub{3}(0001)substrate and subsequent air annealing at temperatures 1273K. Post-annealed samples show plasmon resonance in the optical (561-579 nm) region for average cluster sizes ~1.72-2.4 nm. A redshift of the plasmon peak with decreasing cluster size in the post-annealed samples is assigned to the 'spillout' effect (reduction of electron density) for clusters with ~157-427 number of Au atoms fully embedded in crystalline dielectric matrix with increased polarizability in the embedded system.Comment: 14 Pages (figures included); Accepted in Chem. Phys. Lett (In Press

    About the role of 2D screening in High Temperature Superconductivity

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    The 2D screening is investigated in a simple single band square tight-binding model which qualitatively resembles the known electronic structure in high temperature superconductors. The Coulomb kernel for the two particle Bethe-Salpeter equation in the single loop (RPA) approximation for the polarization can be evaluated in a strong tight binding limit. The results indicate an intense screening of the Coulomb repulsion between the particles, which becomes stronger and anisotropic when the Fermi level approach half filling (or equivalently, when the Fermi surface approach the Van Hove singularities) and rapidly decreases away it. The effect is also more pronounced for quasi-momenta regions near the corners of the Brillouin cell, which correspond to dual spatial distances of the order few unit cells. Therefore, a possible mechanism is identified which could explain the existence of extremely small Cooper pairs in these materials, as bounded anisotropic composites joined by residual super-exchange or phonon interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, presented in the " Conference on Strongly Interacting Systems at the Nanoscale", ICTP, Trieste, Italy (8-12 August 2005

    Maximally-localized Wannier functions for disordered systems: application to amorphous silicon

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    We use the maximally-localized Wannier function method to study bonding properties in amorphous silicon. This study represents, to our knowledge, the first application of the Wannier-function analysis to a disordered system. Our results show that, in the presence of disorder, this method is extremely helpful in providing an unambiguous picture of the bond distribution. In particular, defect configurations can be studied and characterized with a novel degree of accuracy that was not available before.Comment: 4 pages, with 3 PostScript figures embedded. Uses RevTex and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#nm_as

    A Synthetic 21-cm Galactic Plane Survey of an SPH Galaxy Simulation

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    We have created synthetic neutral hydrogen (HI) Galactic Plane Survey data cubes covering 90 degrees < l < 180 degrees, using a model spiral galaxy from SPH simulations and the radiative transfer code TORUS. The density, temperature and other physical parameters are fed from the SPH simulation into TORUS, where the HI emissivity and opacity are calculated before the 21-cm line emission profile is determined. Our main focus is the observation of Outer Galaxy `Perseus Arm' HI, with a view to tracing atomic gas as it encounters shock motions as it enters a spiral arm interface, an early step in the formation of molecular clouds. The observation of HI self-absorption features at these shock sites (in both real observations and our synthetic data) allows us to investigate further the connection between cold atomic gas and the onset of molecular cloud formation.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 11 pages, 12 figure

    Exact sampling from non-attractive distributions using summary states

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    Propp and Wilson's method of coupling from the past allows one to efficiently generate exact samples from attractive statistical distributions (e.g., the ferromagnetic Ising model). This method may be generalized to non-attractive distributions by the use of summary states, as first described by Huber. Using this method, we present exact samples from a frustrated antiferromagnetic triangular Ising model and the antiferromagnetic q=3 Potts model. We discuss the advantages and limitations of the method of summary states for practical sampling, paying particular attention to the slowing down of the algorithm at low temperature. In particular, we show that such a slowing down can occur in the absence of a physical phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 EPS figures, REVTeX; additional information at http://wol.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/exac